Kelsey W Doyle: Meet Your New Best Friend

This is the story of my life.

Growing up I was always a highly talkative, personable, and friendly child. I had no shame and always made sure I knew everyone on the playground. My grandpa always told me that I was going to be president one day. He would always bring up a story of me as a child growing up as proof. He said that when he had taken me to the beach one day that I made sure I went up to every kid introduced myself and informed them that I was going to be their new best friend. I imagine it went a lot like “Hi! My name is Kelsey and we are going to be best friends.” Even as an adult I still use this line when I meet someone that I have a lot in common with. “Did we just become best friends?” What can I say, I am a shameless networker.

What most people don’t know though is that I was born into networking. With a mom who is the top sales representative of Steve Madden Accessories, you don’t just grow up socially awkward and unable to work a room. My mom taught me every trick of the trade. While most kindergarteners were still waving at adults and rolling in the mud, I was shaking hands with the teachers and plotting playground domination. As I continued to get older I continued to realize that what my real talent is, other than art, was relating to people. I have a high emotional intelligence and for some reason that I can’t explain people seem to trust me naturally and always want to tell me their secrets.

In college my networking and best friend expansion continued. The ability to read people well, work a room and my trustworthy aura that I put off helped me out. A lot. I was accepted into challenging organizations such as Select Leaders, I won an award for study abroad, and I’ve been continually selected to represent the College of Business and Select Leaders. Ohio University nurtured and helped me grow my networking abilities. Without my social skills, networking abilities, and my trust building aura I wouldn’t have as many deep meaningful relationships with as many interesting and diverse people. So let’s become best friends and go do karate in the garage.

About kelseywallis204

Senior at Ohio University studying Spanish, Art, and Marketing. Undergraduate Assistant to the Mayors' Partnership for Progress, Executive member of Select Leaders of the College of Business, and Board Member of ReUse Industries.

2 responses to “Kelsey W Doyle: Meet Your New Best Friend”

  1. Matt Wright says :

    Lol yeah that was the first thing I noticed about you. You have an uncanny ability to relate to people (which is lost on most of our electronic generation). Miss you chica, hope you’re doing well.

  2. Nate Riggs (@nateriggs) says :

    Nice post, Kelsey. You are wise beyond your years and your networking will pay dividends down the road. Always keep this in mind — being trust worthy and trusted comes from being willing to give your trust. It seems that you do that so make sure not to loose site of what has gotten you to where you are today. : )

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